Kora Design Collaborative
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About Us
Kora as a design and research practice mainly focuses at the grass-root level, interacting and working with the people living in villages. It aims at building and enhancing the capacities and capabilities of hand skills addressing technical and environmental issues rendering more professional support for the local people.
Kora believes in village based industry with a profusion of skills hidden from the world. Kora focus mainly on understanding available natural resources, developing local skills and setting up of decentralized, least “capital-energy” requiring system to produce value added eco-friendly products which would create sustainable livelihood to hundreds of people. Kora strongly believes in taking one man’s waste and turning it into environmental treasure. The emphasis is on domestic production and local economy which enhances community spirit, community relationships, and community well-being.
Kora render consultancy services to various Non Government Organizations, Government Organizations, Individuals, Body of Persons, Partnership Firms, companies, and other agencies, which have legal recognition across India.
Designs’, Workshops’ and Training programmers are based on the primary philosophy of sustainability and human comfort. The effort is to resolve conflict between conservation and development, especially in issues of environment, hand skills and technology.
Kora teaches, trains and upgrades the skill of any individual to increase his or her efficiency at work and get self employed by blending indigenous craft techniques with contemporary designs which bring aesthetic and affordable products to today’s consumers. The focus is on encouraging production in an environmentally sustainable way in order to balance the social and economic intent of the venture.
Kora takes up research and documentation in traditional and potential crafts. Kora also does feasibility analysis of any existing skill and integrate with other skills around for a better support and mileage so as to make it into a sustainable craft cluster.
Kora conducts user research and usability studies to understand human’s with various ethnic and demographic backgrounds to help designers of complex and high interactive products related to User interface design.
Kora gets into to the interiors of India looking for profusion of skills hidden from the world.
Technology as just not human used materials objects such as machines, hardware or utensils, but encompasses broader themes which include systems, methods and techniques to get an act done for a better living.
Design technology intervention is not to create a number or variety of new products, but to offer creative solutions to varied existing problems on spectrum of issues with in an existing context. In the process of finding solutions with in these constraints, one learns to step out from the given parameters of a common designer to become a professional with holistic approach who not only values life around but also becomes a better human being.
Unlike industrial products which are mass produced; handmade products have an edge of making some refreshing changes in each sample, making the product unique which would reflect the sensibilities of an artisan creating a craft identity.
Kora’s work is a practical application of the principals of ecology, which sees people as crucial to any successful environmental projects. Our work focuses mainly on understanding available natural resources, developing local skills and setting up of decentralized, least “capital-energy” requiring systems that would create sustainable livelihood to hundreds of people. In the process we try to emphasize and establish deep ecological, cultural and historical links between people and their eco systems.
The products are made using local technologies with simple design technical interventions which require low- capital investment for the locals to afford or adapt into their life style.
Identifying what any place can offer between the above, link with the other filling gaps, lead to new approach and ideas. The feasible ideas are taken forward simplifying issues, systems, methods and techniques, further improvised to get an act done by producing value added products to create livelihood for a group of people with the similar skill set.